
Step One: Create a Facebook Business Manager Account.

Facebook Business Manager is required for the Facebook and Instagram work Grow Bold does. But in general, having Business Manager makes coordinating team efforts on Facebook or Instagram much more efficient.

If you already have a Facebook Business Manager, skip this step! If you don’t, please watch the short video below.


Step Two: The Advertising Account & Payment Method.

Before you can advertise on either Facebook or Instagram, you need to establish your ad settings! That means both creating an ad account and putting a payment method on file. Your credit or debit card will not be charged when you save its information—the platforms have a “pay as you advertise” approach.

Both steps are critical here. The video below will walk you through completing them. 


Step Three: Providing Access To Your Facebook & Instagram.

Now that you’ve created or refreshed your Business Manager, it’s time to provide our team with access. The final video below will show you how to properly do just that.

If you’re reading this, you should already have an email from a member of our team with the information you need to complete all steps outlined in the video.


Step Four: How We’ll Stay On The Same Page.

We want our line of communication to be both easy to use and efficient. Through a platform called Slack we accomplish just that.

Please follow this link to join the Slack. Soon after you join, you’ll be added to a private channel where we can share updates and much more with each other.


Step Five: For Large Files & Formal Communication.

Slack operates like a premium group chat; it’s great for many things but massive files and formal documents are beyond it’s scope.

Sometimes we’ll still need email. And for extra large files, we use the cloud platform Dropbox. 

You’ve probably already received an invite from our team to a private Dropbox folder for our shared files. If you don’t already have a Dropbox account, activating one is free!


Step Six: The Real Fun.

That’s it! There are no more setup steps. It’s time to focus on getting you back to what you do best. 

We look forward to being a part of your company’s growth. Let’s get to work.

Team Bold